Hello everyone!! Welcome to my news page!! I'm gonna to share updates about my projects. I'm a newbie and I don't know how to use the platform yet. I literally rated 1 and a half stars to my first art by accident because I dint knew you could rate your own art lol. Anyways... I'm going to adapt myself overtime on this website and share my content to all of us!!
Wich software do I use? I use procreate as my main software of drawing and I'm learning new things about this software every day!! I started using this app since December of 2022 and I'm continuing to using it to this day. I'm actually not a good artist by any means but I try to do art with heart and passion even if I'm not a good artist...
I love writing stories, drawing characters, writing songs and also singing. I want to become a musician and make music as a hobby
Also there's an sneak peek of my incoming projet so I hope y'all here for it!!
I hope to be able to bring more art to the future and if you read this far, thank you for your curiosity!! :3
Thanks for everything and don't forget to drink water :)
Cordially, 5th
Welcome to NG! When you rate something by accident that you didnt mean to. There is a quick fix. Got to your Account Settings>>>scroll to Account Activity>>click on Voting history. There you will be able delete any mistakes (submissions under judgment wont have that option until passing/blammed). Hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you for the useful tip. Now that will never happen again!! Thanks for welcoming me. Is a pleasure to meet u ;)